Genres accepted: contemporary women’s fiction; romcom; general fiction (with or without) romantic elements; rural fiction. I am not the best fit for sci-fi/fantasy, crime, or category romance. Other genres, email an initial enquiry.
Choose from a 3 or 6 month mentorship. Places limited.
3 Month Polish Your MS Mentoring = $950 *
Your manuscript is complete and you have edited it (more than once) and you’re ready to submit to agents/publishers, but you’d like to polish it so it’s the best it can be for that one shot.
Prior to mentorship, send through 3 chapters to see if you’re ready
Week 1, Initial Zoom (1 hour) to discuss opening chapters, direction of MS and desired outcomes from the mentorship
Week 4, written feedback and MS mark up, on full MS covering story and character development and arc, plot etc,
Week 5, 1 hour Zoom after you’ve absorbed feedback, to discuss/clarify/brainstorm
Week 8, 1 hour Zoom to check in, thrash ideas about, work through sticking points
Week 10, send through revised manuscript for any last polishing suggestions
Week 12, 1 hr final Zoom for any last questions/sticking points, discuss where to next etc
*cost includes a non-refundable deposit of $100. If after the first zoom session either one of us decides not to continue with the mentorship (it has to be the right fit for both of us), no further costs will be payable.
**your manuscript must be well beyond the first draft (like 4th or 5th) as this is about polishing your MS ready for submission, as opposed to editing it.
**quick email questions are welcome anytime during the 3 month mentorship
6 Month Writing Mentorship = $2000 *
Maybe you need some guidance in shaping, developing or refining your completed manuscript; or maybe you’re 20,000 words in but aren’t sure if you’re heading in the right direction; or maybe you’ve had a manuscript assessment but can’t make head nor tails of how to apply it to your work…take advantage of a tailor-made 6 month mentorship based on your needs. May include areas such as structure, characterisation, audience, style, editing and redrafting, goal setting, being accountable to those goals, and more…
Initial 1 ½ Zoom meeting to establish where you’re at, where you want to go, what areas we’ll be working on and feedback on the first 5,000 words of your manuscript.
A 6 month tailor-made plan on how we’re going to meet those needs.
Monthly 1 ½ hour Zoom meetings
Monthly feedback on your work (approx. 5000 words per month, depending on agreed plan)
Final 1 hour Zoom to wrap anything up and discuss what happens next
*cost includes a non-refundable deposit of $100. If after the first zoom session either one of us decides not to continue with the mentorship (it has to be the right fit for both of us), no further costs will be payable.
**number of words per month will be determined in the initial zoom, depending on where you’re at in your writing (e.g a first draft is likely to need more feedback, so in six months we might only get to 35,000 words; a more polished manuscript needing less work, we might get through the whole thing).
***receiving feedback on one’s writing can be daunting – I still curl up in the foetal position when my edit reports come in – I will be gentle but honest, so please make sure you are open to the feedback given.